I’m having a bit of trouble deciding what to do with this blog. I have a small little book that I use like a place to save my ideas. I use it, without worry, to write down details of the stuff I’m working on, the concepts I’m playing around with and the ideas that I really like. The problem is that I don’t feel I should do that with this website.
This web site is in the public domain and I can never forget that. I have to accept that anything I put up here can be and will be used by other people for their own ends. Concepts will be borrowed, links copied and ideas spun off (yes, I do give myself a lot of credit).
So I could do what other people do, which is only put links to other people’s stuff, but that doesn’t sit quite right with me either. Copying other people’s work is not my true strength. If I can I want to inspire people, I want to offer them ideas and trains of thought that help them do great things (even if only in their own eyes). So I need to find a middle road. I need to give enough, but not too much. I need to facilitate thought without loosing my own ideas.
And so I’m left to wonder, how the hell do you do that?
Instagram 51-60
5 years ago
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