This morning I arrived at 7:30 in Bombay, to do that I needed to get on the plane at six, to do that I needed to be at the airport at five, to do that I needed to leave my friend's house at four, to do that I needed to be up at three. I only bought the ticket at ten last night. I’m proud to say I at least got three hours of sleep, better than nothing.
And I need it, because today is one mad day of running around. This evening at eight I once again leave Bombay, to head back ‘home’ (Palolem). In the twelve hours I’m here I’ve basically got to get the modeling thing in Bombay started.
There’s people helping me an awful lot with that. I’ve met a major agency here and they directly sent me out to meet a bunch of people. I met the agency through contacts in Palolem, who also sent me out to meet a few people and some of those people, in turn, have sent me out to meet a few people. All in all I think I’m meeting about twenty people today. I’m not sure how I’m finding the time to write this.
That’s the great thing about being busy, you can be tired and busy and manage perfectly well. If, on the other hand, you’re tired and bored, no way you can last the whole day.
I actually quite like Bombay. People here are telling me I should stick around here if I really want to work. Now that I’ve had to run up to Bangalore and down here, I really do need to work. The money would have been fine, if I would have stayed put, but of course I didn’t. The travel bug is definitely as strong as ever. Of course, it was a work trip, so I can use that as part of the excuse (why do I need an excuse?)
I’m really looking forward to hitting the beach again tomorrow. Then I can finally rest out this bug and recover my full health. I miss the gym. Yes, I’m sure you’d never expected me to say something like that (mister ‘pass me an empty beer bottle, I’m too lazy to get up from this couch to take a wee’ Symbol). I had never expected myself to say something like that, but truth be told I like being in shape and, what is more, I like the buzz you get from exercising. It is, strangely enough, quite energising.
I also managed to pick up a whole range of books in Bangalore, while I was there. The problem with Palolem is that they only do beach books. I don’t do beach books. If I want entertainment I pick up popular science, psychology, economics or anything else that I feel I can learn something from. That’s not to say that you can’t learn anything from beach books, it’s just not what I want to learn right now. (was that a good escape?)
I directly started in on Nicholas Taleb’s book ‘Fooled By Randomness’, which has been quite enjoyable so far, though I’m either stupider, more tired or the book is more complex than his second one, because I’m not finding it as easy of a read. It’s probably a combination of all three.
So, tomorrow back to the beach, back to my stories and back to good health. Until then, meet greet and, for god’s sake, smile!
Instagram 51-60
5 years ago
godspeed, mate.