Friday, January 11, 2008

Another day in Paradise

And then I once again had friends, acquaintances and a reputation. Just a few days on this beautiful beach and I’ve already become involved in the lives of people in ways that are both unexpected, interesting and (in some cases) worrying.

I’ve been doing a great deal of thinking in the last few days. That is, of course, what you (or at least I) do when you’re in one of your less positive phases. You think about what things you should change in your life to make yourself once again more positive. I’ve succeeded to some extent, though admittedly I’m still not in the happiest state I’ve ever been, which is kind of funny because this is possibly one of the physically most beautiful places I’ve ever been.

Light and fun on the outside, but still a hint of shadow and melancholy on the inside.

Basically it’s still up in the air as to whether I’ll be off on the 22nd, or if I’ll be able to stay an extra month. I think that might be all that I do, though if more work opportunities present themselves I might go for two more months. It would be brilliant to arrive back in Europe in the spring rather than in the winter. After all, one of the big reasons I fled Holland to begin with was the horrible winters. If I go back now, I’ll basically be arriving back in Europe seven years after I left (I think I left somewhere at the end of jan).

I’ve accepted that I’m going back to Europe now, however. I think it is time to actually really sit down and get my masters. That is one thing I agree on with all the people that are critical of the way I’ve decided to live my life.

Of course, I’m no longer sure my masters will actually help. It has been a very long time since anybody I’ve worked with has asked me about my degree. They normally work with me because of who I am, not because of the piece of paper I hold; that, I have to say, is a beautiful thing. I’ve met far too many people that have been screwed over because they didn’t manage to get that piece of paper, and that while they were absolute gems with ideas that the world will now have to lose, because it doesn’t give enough credit to people without degrees.

But I digress.


  1. eh? you also hate cold climates ah?

  2. What is wrong with the way you live your life?! In future, this part of your life will remain one of the strongest memories that you have of the past. Numerous people would love to have the courage that you had in making this choice.

    Sorry for the silence, 2008 has been hectic since it arrived! Baby coming, helping hubby's business and other related stuff...

  3. Quite right, babe and I've realised that by now. Screw you people who don't have the balls to grab life by the balls! Hah!
