Saturday, August 04, 2007

Saturday on the beach

Saturday on the beach is probably one of the nicest things imaginable. Two mates have come down from Singapore for ten days for one final blow out. Yesterday we tried the clubbing scene and ended up in a very nice club called Ds, where they played trance and we grinded our teeth.

We went home late, spent a couple of hours calming down and finally crashed out with the sun well and truly up. A few hours later, with the sun at its apex we rolled out of bed again and decided to spend the day being lazy on the beach.

Breakfast consisted of beer (Breakfast beer!), tea, a club sandwich and some sort of fish (I didn’t eat the fish). We were happy to notice that we could eat.

Some random local passed over a spliff and talked to us about government corruption, the tsunami and the rich. We listened, understanding at most two out of three words. That didn’t matter, though. It seemed the man just wanted nodding heads to talk to, which would make the appropriate impressed sound at the right moments.

We went swimming (the water was wonderful) then spent a good hour tossing a ball around. Somehow the locals got involved and it turned into a giant free for all game of rugby-catch.

Now we’re back home, chilling out, listening to ambient music and smoking. Tonight there will be a party around the corner from us, where apparently all of Colombo will be coming, well the good bits anyway.

If everything goes well, we’ll party well into Monday and then head back down to Hicks on Tuesday (with a dentist appointment snuck in for one of our company, the poor fellow).

And then?

Well, we’ll see then.

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