Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Colombo again

The last few days have been a little unexpected, to say the least. On Friday night I saw a couple of pretty cute chicks on the beach in Hicks. I didn’t talk to them, though, because I was trashed out of my skull. The next day I was sitting somewhere, minding my own business (still not completely a hundred percent) and one of the girls suddenly bounced up to me and sat at my table.

‘Hey, do you remember me from last night?’

I was a little shocked, to say the least, as this was possibly the most beautiful woman on the beach (not at that time, not in the bar, but on the entire beach for that entire weekend). Swallowing me heart, I made conversation, without making an ass out of myself (surprise, surprise).

I spent the entire weekend with her and her friend, hanging around bars, clubs and cafes and on Sunday they said ‘hey, why don’t you come back to Colombo with us?’. We were, I had already found out, kindred spirits (With only some of you knowing what the hell I might mean with that). So I said ‘yeah, why not?’ Hikaduwa looked to be dead for the next week, anyway (only parties on the weekend). So I’ve spent the last few days back in Colombo.

It has been strange.

Their wavelength is so different from my own. I watch discovery channel, they watch Sponge Bob Square Pants. I like to play chess, they prefer to play Snakes and Ladders (while cheating). I talk about world politics, they talk about local modelling politics (the really cute one is a model, I might add).

But before you think so, they aren’t stupid, just constantly intellectually unchallenged. The potential is there, but the provocation never was.

So was it worth coming to Colombo? Well, hanging out with hot modelling chicks is probably a great deal more fun than hanging out with beach boys (who only come as close to hot modelling chicks as their cat calls do). It hasn’t been bad. I’m going to have to get used to feeling that my time is not being optimally spent. I think that’s a given when you’re travelling.

My mind has been spinning. Seeing this completely different world has sent my mind a reeling in many different directions. There is something to be learned here, for sure, about the human condition.

What I’m not sure, but when I am, I’ll give you a yell.


  1. Nice! This reminds me of the not so fortunate incident at that private party we went to... when upon leaving, we felt tremendous relief and even gave the trishaw driver a huge tip... I am ashamed to say I (thought I) had enjoyed myself (while we were inside), only to realise when we left how horrible it was for you. Never again... err, ya of course never again. Heh. Hope you continue to have a great time and meet even more wonderful people. We miss you around here!

  2. You can always come out and see me somewhere! Just got to give me a yell about when you're coming and where and I'll make my way over there. I'd love to meet friends while I'm out there. Being without any old friends for a long time can get pretty hard.
