Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What we do

My parents are travelling to Europe tonight and my dad was worried he couldn’t take his pen. ‘Ink is a fluid’ he pointed out. Now, it doesn’t really matter whether he was allowed to take his pen (he was), what gets me is that people have to actually consider whether they’re allowed to take writing utensils with them. Where will it end? What if some terrorist manages to develop exploding cloth, do we then all have to travel naked?

Why are governments allowing terrorists to have such an impact on the world? Doesn’t anybody at the top ever wonder how a handful of people can so drastically influence and inconvenience millions? The reason those terrorists are so effective is because people care far too much about them.

Terrorists don’t even have to blow anything up anymore. They just have to threaten to blow something up and people go scurrying around making life difficult for each other.

Like the tantrum throwing toddler the terrorists throws a fit and the people around him react and, again like the tantrum throwing toddler, when the terrorists sees that it’s working his tantrums become bigger and more frequent. What is more, others around him go ‘hey, that works!’ and hey presto the kinder garden teach is found overdosed on sleeping pills with his last words written across the wall in coloured crayons ‘the little shits wouldn’t shut up’.

Terrorists are just like franchises and, just like other franchises, if they don’t get what they want they won’t open up more shops. McDonalds wouldn’t be found all around the world if people didn’t eat the bloody burgers, Starbucks wouldn’t be on every corner if people didn’t drink their over priced coffee and terrorists wouldn’t be blowing themselves up everywhere if they didn’t believe they were terrorising the shit out of everybody.

So what do we do?

We stop being so scared and we stop giving them so much attention. We hope that as many attacks as possible are stopped and when the attacks do happen we don’t go hysterical. We show them that we can’t be intimidated and that we won’t sacrifice our freedoms or way of life for their warped ideologies. We persevere and show them we’re tougher than they give us credit for. We accept that one day we all run out of time and, whether it’s in a bed with cancer, or in an airplane with a bomb, we realise that it’s not really that moment that matters, but all the moments that came before. I refuse to let them ruin those moments, what about you?

1 comment:

  1. OR...we kill them. Unlike with spoiled toddlers killing terrorists is an option...and an option that keeps one from ODing on pills!

    I agree in part that the hysteria is getting out of hand. But until governments are more willing to drop their PC rhetoric and start profiling we all have to suffer. B/C I would rather not have a pen on a flight than have wrestle a terrorist to the ground in hopes that I can stop his bomb from going off, and I am pretty sure many others are in my camp.

    I would like to take this opportunity to point out my continued support for the War on Terror in general and specifically in Iraq. As long as our troops are sitting in Iraq the terrorists have problems and … military targets (as opposed to US civilians). Targets which keep/hinder them from bombing US civilian targets. And I am in favour of that.
