So of course, you’re all expecting me to tell you what I think of Holland. Well, tough. I’m going to wait a little bit longer and make up my mind good and proper. There are two reasons for this: One, I don’t feel it’s fair to make a judgement yet, considering I’m in a city where I haven’t been before and Two: I don’t feel like talking about it yet.
So instead I’m going to talk about my poetry and what I’m trying to do with it. Over the last week and a bit I’ve edited through about ten of my poems. I like them rather a lot. Most people think I’m terribly odd and move away from me a little bit after reading one. Fortunately, not everybody; a sculpture friend of mine was so inspired by one of the poems I sent him that he made a sculpture and entered it into a gallery. Interestingly enough, it has my name on it and I haven’t even seen it yet. Odd. But my name will be in the paper.
Now I’m trying to figure out what to do next with my stuff. It’s damned unfortunate that there is no way to make money from just poetry. It would be a great deal less unfortunate it I didn’t need money right now (then I could just do it for fun), but since that is my most pressing concern, I really shouldn’t be spending as much time as I am working on it. Still, I can’t help myself, I’m currently driven in that direction and where my drive goes, I have to follow.
So what that means is that I have to figure out some way to potentially actually make some money out of my weird as poetry. I’ve thought about publishing a collection, but that really isn’t going to go somewhere. The answer, I believe, is making a compilation that is more than just my weird ass poetry. I need to create something that is poetry and more.
So I want to see if I can find artists that want to help me create something more than just poetry. Maybe a coffee table book of imagery associated with my poetry - or a short, very abstract film that is based upon my poetry.
Yes, you’re right; I don’t really have an idea yet. I do have a course of action planned out, however. I’m going to immerse myself in other people’s are (i.e. visit modern art museums, watch plays, read books, etc.) and see what ideas they’ve come up with and, when I chance upon a good one, steal it!
That would be the easy route, the slightly harder (and far more likely) route will be that I will find a number of ideas and fuse them together into something; hopefully something new.
Here’s one out to all of you that actually read this blog: If you know anybody that’s interesting in working together on something with me, I’d be very happy if you could alert me. I think the more artists I can find to work with, the more likely something good will actually come out of what I’m doing.
I need to give something back and the best thing I can give back is my thoughts.
Instagram 51-60
5 years ago
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