Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I’ve just finished typing out my resignation letter. I will hand it in tomorrow, if all goes well. After that I’ll just have a month left at my current place of employment, a few weeks after that I’ll be off to India.

Before I go I’ll have to pack all my things here and put them in boxes, as it is very possible that I won’t actually come back here in the foreseeable future. Fortunately, I don’t have that much.

I will have no home, no next destination, no clear goal and no safe haven. I will be, for all intended purposes, homeless and adrift. I will be going, alone, to a continent where I’ve never been, among a people whose language I don’t speak and into a society whose culture I don’t understand. This, as you might suspect, makes me just a little bit nervous.

But that’s okay.

If you’re not frequently a little bit nervous and uneasy, you’re not really living. If you’re not constantly a little bit worried and a little bit out of your depth, you’re not trying hard enough.

There’s a great deal more to life than being comfortable.

If you’re constantly comfortable, you’ll never make a difference.

Of course, whether you want to make a difference is up to you. I’ve come to realise that many people are content being comfortable. Good on them.

If you ask me, comfort is overrated.

But then, if you ask them excitement is overrated.

That’s cool. That way, there will at least be some places in the world left for people like me to explore.

Some reasons for us to feel nervous.


  1. Be careful and write when you can so that we know you are all right. And don't miss that boat from India to Texas in September!

  2. Be careful?! The Symbol is never careful!!!

  3. Thanks for the warnings Pyrrhus, but I'm afraid the amazonian is right!

    If I was careful I wouldn't be leaving yet another country to start over afresh somewhere else.

  4. OK, then throw caution to the wind...but write often so I know you are alive?

  5. Ar, ar... =)

    But issit that though, that you go somewhere else/ do things like these to 'start afresh'?

    What's 'afresh'?

    Why afresh?

    And is it the same or at least similar reason why people from all over the world and through all over time do it?
