Friday, November 16, 2007

Closing Doors

I’ve decided that I’ll probably bugger off from Bangalore at the end of the year. Where will I go? Goa of course! It would be a crime if I missed Goa for new years while I was actually in the country and many people have already told me this.

So I was thinking about three weeks in Goa, basking in the afterglow of a job well done in terms of the movie, and then on to the next place. Where will I go? That’s a little harder. I was thinking about going to Dubai, but that stuff has to be confirmed.

The annoying thing is, though, that I actually have to make a decision about where to go. You see, I got an un-extendable visa extended for three months, but they want to know when I’m leaving and from where to where I’m going to fly.


As you might have noticed I’m not especially good at planning. I like to flow with the go and just see what happens. I feel that when I have to make choice like this I’m closing at least a dozen doors.

Still, I’d like to see Dubai, so that’s probably the best choice to make. I really can’t see what will happen after that. Maybe I’ll go somewhere else, maybe back to India and maybe off to Europe to prepare or university. Truth be told, unless my options run out out here that last option seems the least appealing. I’d at least like to wait till the summer has stared before I hit Europe again (I hate the cold).

Plus when I hit Europe I’ll be poor again (at least in relation to everybody else). I like being well off (or pretending to be, even as my funds steadily dwindle) and the idea of having to scrounge for a beer, not go out because of financial worries and doing my own laundry is truly unappealing.

Maybe I should just get rich. Concentrate a bit more on making money and a little less on learning everything else. Then I would not have to worry about things like that anymore. Maybe I should just put my head down and earn.

Or maybe I should just avoid moving back to Europe for a while longer! Yeah that sounds easier, lets do that.

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