Thursday, October 12, 2006

It’s my life!

I am not dependable. That is the long and short of it. Though I mean well and always try to do my best, I find that I don’t do everything I should, often forgetting or postponing semi-important activities. As you might well understand, this greatly frustrates the people around me and, what is more, makes them unwilling to take the risks they might otherwise take.

My poor dependability is the handbrake of my life. Having grown more and more aware of this problem I have decided that it has got to stop. For that reason I have started to work harder at being dependable. I don’t know if I will ever be as good as my girlfriend (one of the most dependable people I know), but I do know I will be better than I am now.

The first step is to collect all my old magazine articles and other writing material, fill my portfolio with them and then start sending them out to people interested in free lance writers. I know quite a few of people are looking for writers right now and I would be a fool not to fill out my portfolio further (as well as earn the extra money that freelancing would bring).

1 comment:

  1. hey i'm glad you notice these things about yourself.

    that's always the first step to progress. good job.

    let me know if you need a hand.
